Property Grunt

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

These lovely ladies are Joyce from NYT, Sara from Forbes and Lisa from NYT.

This was probably the second scariest moment of the evening when I met Alexandra Bandon. As many of you know I did a critique on her New York Times Article on rental agents. The moment I saw her I began to look for the exits. However after we met I found Ms. Bandon quite gracious and engaging. She stated that she enjoyed my writing and my analysis in her work. She made it clear that she wished to go further with the article but there was no room to spare. Alex expressed her frustrations that rental agents often they tried to steer her away from her set requirements. I empathasized with her annoyance but I explained to her that often people change their mind and agents cast a wide as possible in order to find the best options for their clients.

The Union is now complete. Joyce Cohen, the Property Grunt and Lockhart Steele.

This was the girl who tried to lift my bears, me, the developer of the building and the great Craig Newmark

The beautiful and delight Alexis Paymer and the Grunt. In disguise.

The party. Who is this guy taking this picture?

While at the party I felt I was attracting too much attention and decided to retreat before I got tackled and unmasked by a broker. I bid my friends adieu and left.

It got a littel dicey for me because I chose to use the stairs instead of the elevator which proved fortuitous since the elevator broke. But the exit was locked which I think is a huge fire hazard. It was there that I had an encounter with a very drunk and belligerent man who saw my disguise and threatened to remove it forcefully. I took refuge on the 5th floor and mulled my options. Do I stay and wait for the elevator should I wait it out for the exit. Then a chilling entered my mind. What if both the elevator and the exit were out of commission? What if I was stuck here until the police or fire department arrived? I would have to pull the old "blend in with the crowd trick" by removing my disguise as would be ferried out. What if somone recognized me? Then I began to laugh. When did becoming a blogger become Mission Impossible?

At that moment I heard some yelling a door open and I zipped down running through the David Barton Gym and then into the subway station where I removed my disguise and proceeded to walk several blocks south down 6th ave. Occasionally I would surreptiously look behind myself but no one was following me.

So. Will the Grunt pull an Opioninstas and reveal himself to the world? One day I will. Perhaps when the book deal comes in.