Property Grunt

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Propertyshark: The next JDate.

Thanks to Kelly Kreth those crazy guys from Propertyshark have found another way to utilize their website to map out where the single rich boys and girls are. This perfect for those of us seeking a sugar daddy or mommy and want to avoid working as a stripper and sucking face with a rich octogenarian. All you need to do is turn on Propertyshark and map out your search. So golddiggers, start your engines!

I think this a great idea, hopefully Propertyshark will exercise restraint and avoid creating maps like "Michael Jackson's Playground" or the "R.Kelly Water Tour."

And what about Kelly?

How did Ms. Kreth fare? The map directed her to
Manhattan's West 70s, where she met a man of means.
They briefly dated, Ms. Kreth says, but "it didn't
work out. So now I'm still single

Oh Kelly. Do not fret. There is a nice Jewish doctor out there waiting for you.

Mates of Means
July 5, 2006; Page A18

A Brooklyn research firm has found a subject perhaps
hotter than where to find the best real-estate
investment deals: where to find the highest
concentration of wealthy single men and women. was co-founded nearly four years ago
by Ryan Slack, who earned his M.B.A. at Stanford
University, to provide investors with information such
as foreclosures and building descriptions on
commercial and residential properties in major U.S.
cities. Then, earlier this year, the firm's publicist
-- Kelly Kreth, 36 years old and recently divorced --
suggested as a joke that the company use the search
service to isolate neighborhoods with the most rich

That led to a service for others who scour
PropertyShark "man maps" to find neighborhoods loaded
with, well, loaded single men. Now it is expanding the
service to offer maps suggesting where to hang out to
find wealthy men and women in Boston, Miami and

A couple hints: In Boston, singles looking for wealthy
men should check out Battery Street, Tileston Street,
Clinton Street and Butler Row. Seattle's area around
the Washington Park Arboretum attract the most rich
single women. Miami's well-off single men are
concentrated in South Beach and around the La Gorce
Golf Course.

The maps rate neighborhoods by prevalence of single
men and women and categorize them with titles like
"meat market" and "girls night out," depending on the
prospects. Dollar signs are superimposed over the most
promising areas.

The service, which is free once a person has
registered on and clicked on the
desired city and map, has helped raise awareness for
the company's original, subscription-based
property-data business.

How did Ms. Kreth fare? The map directed her to
Manhattan's West 70s, where she met a man of means.
They briefly dated, Ms. Kreth says, but "it didn't
work out. So now I'm still single."