68 Bradhurst is another real estate blog but it is not by a broker, developer or renter but by a homeowner.
In the words of the blogger.
68 Bradhurst is a gossip site and publishes rumors, conjecture and opinions, as well as accurately reported factual information. The site may contain errors or inaccuracies. We give no assurance or guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or applicability of any of the contents. Links to external or third party Web sites are provided solely for visitors' convenience. Links taken to other sites are done so at your own risk and 68 Bradhurst accepts no liability for any linked sites or their contents. 68 Bradhurst will try to correct all factual
This bloggers discusses the wacky hijinks that have occurred since moving in.
It ranges on the system of kickbacks
Chances for misappropriating building funds are not limited simply to fudging expenditures and writing questionable checks. Being on the board means interacting with vendors who supply many types of products and services necessary for your building's continuing operation - and therein lies another opportunity for malfeasance: bid-rigging and kickbacks.
To dealing with threats from the board.
A Threat
I received a letter last night around 6:30 pm from the building manager (it's Friday night, she should be off enjoying her weekend). I thought it was the $225 check for the phone jacks. Instead, it was a letter from the board threatening to take me to court. For what? I have no idea. Just another scare tactic, I think.
To me, a lawsuit-happy board bringing frivolous lawsuits against owners can be costly and drive common charges up for the building. Taking someone like me to court with a baseless claim is most likely gonna end up pissing other owners off in the end.
What's funny is they would rather go to court than to just answer some simple questions that I feel I have the right to ask. I just can't understand why they don't want to answer these questions:
1. They said extra security cameras were put in place. Where are the security cameras located?
2. What is Resident Pilot and how will it benefit me as a homeowner. How much does it cost? Were there any proposals from other vendors? If so, who?
It is all rather amusing to me. Maybe this blogger is a little nutty, but I think we'd all be mistaken for some type of pistachio if we were in that type of situation.