I heart Kelly Kreth

You know you love her.
The last couple of weeks have been quite tumultuous for Kelly Kreth, from being unjustifiably ousted from the NY Press and replaced by another sex columnist who’s stories were straight out of Sex and City and in a sense they came from the same place since the new columnist’s stories were complete fiction.
However, those of you who know Kelly Kreth, she has more lives than Judith Regan. Kelly is able turn her lemons into mojitos and everyone is more than eager to drink what she is serving. Since being fired from Dwelling Quest she has reinvented herself as a master of real estate public relations and launched her own company, which has become a roaring success representing clients that include Darren Sukenik, the Oro and Century 21 which hired 8 months after they bought out Dwelling Quest. She has also pioneered the use of online video for residential real estate.
She also is a very honest and hilarious writer, presenting her personal life with all the naughty bits. Kelly is also a darling of the morning shows on British telly.
The Grunt’s relationship began when I heard about her firing from Dwelling Quest and became completely outraged and went on a one blogger campaign to defend her rights as a blogger and spread the word of this injustice. Since then, I have seen this woman grow into a successful writer and business woman and it doesn’t look like she will ever stop
Lysandra Ohrstrom of the The New York Observer and a member of Tom Acitelli's crew has written an absolutely fantastic profile of the divine Ms. Kreth which presents the life of this glamourous PR Maven and author.
The article discusses the following:
Her rise from the ashes after being fired from Dwelling Quest.
What really happened at the NY Press
Her loco love life.
Of course what really got the Grunt going was this.
In the fall of 2005, Daren Hornig, one of the developers of Meatpacking District condo The Prime and back then the CEO of brokerage Dwelling Quest, fired Ms. Kreth, his in-house publicist, for keeping an on-line diary. The firing came barely two weeks after Mr. Hornig had lured Ms. Kreth back to his firm from her perch at the Shvo Group.
She blames her “evil assistant”—who had been briefly promoted during Ms. Kreth’s three-week stint at Shvo and who was promptly demoted upon her return—for playing up a diary entry in which she calls the behavior of a superior “shrill, loud, and classless."
Dwelling Quest threatened to sue, and police investigated death and harassment threats Ms. Kreth allegedly lobbed at company employees.
The saga caught the attention of The New York Times, Crain’s, and the Internet’s gossiping classes when The New York Post published an article on Sept. 28, 2005, portraying Ms. Kreth as the victim of Mr. Hornig’s unethical treatment. Bloggers rushed to her defense, turning Ms, Kreth, briefly, into an Internet poster girl for the First Amendment.
Property Grunt, an anonymous New York real estate blogger, wroteon the day The Post article came out that he was “proud” to assist “Kelly in publicizing her story... And with exposure from The Post, I am positive her story will go national. Stay strong Kelly! We got your back!”
To say that I was thrilled by being mentioned by in such a positive light in the New York Observer. would be an understatement. Therefore I will indulge in one moment of narcissism and soak this small yet noble moment Kelly has provided me.
That aside, I truly hope that someone with the literary fortitude recognizes what we all have known for a long time, that in the football game of writing, Darren Star and Candace Bushnell aren’t even qualified to hold Kelly Kreth’s jockstrap because she is a regular Eli Manning.
Keep making those Mojitos Kelly because everyone is lining up to go to your party.