Property Grunt

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Help, It's Broken. Not after Arianne has spoken!

For those of you who are familiar with the delightful work of Arianne Cohen, you will be happy to hear about her a new book "Help, It's Broken!: A Fix-It Bible for the Repair-Impaired".
I have had the pleasure of reading this book which is by far one of the most practical books on apartment repairs ever published. Not only is the book chock full of home repair juiciness but the book is set up so the reader has the first option of taking a self diagnostic on their knowledge of home repairs. The book covers huge array of topics from how to pick the right paint to how to do faucet repairs and dealing with home safety.

It also includes easy to follow illustrations and instructions which add to its no nonsense appeal. This is the ideal book for anyone who lives in an apartment in New York City and makes a great housewarming gift for anyone you know who is moving into a new place.

Just from reading this book I just found out the reason my apartment is so cold is due to the the heat that is wasted warming the wall the radiator is attached to. What's the solution? Buy the book.

If you are too cheap to buy the book and desire a more interactive experience I recommend going to her blog Ask Arianne.
Feel free to ask her any apartment repair related questions and she will be more than happy to answer them.

Yes. She will personally reply to your emails. Why? Because she is a sweetheart.